self improvement

Less Comfortable Dialogues are Essential to Understanding and Being Respectful of One Another I have been reflecting on some work I did with a large and newly formed team. Some conversations arose about difference, belonging, equality and other similar topics. On a couple of occasions during the...

No one can know what anyone else is going through: what kind of day, week, year they are having or what is going through their mind. What we do know is that everyone benefits from kindness. ‘Everyone benefits from kindness so we are generous’ is...

  Sometimes I feel like I am surfing a wave and other times it feels like I am going to get dragged under by the power of the current. Sometimes I feel like the current is uncontrollably strong and I am struggling to keep my head...

There are so many snippets of time throughout our day when we are alone with our thoughts, but what is the quality of our thinking? Since having this question posed during a team meeting, I have reflected and thought about how I can be more conscious...

I wrote the first half of this blog a couple of months ago. It sat in my drafts for a little while and then, when I went back to it, my opinion had changed. I have added to it and it is now an arc...