28 Sep Why coaching is critical to staff wellbeing
70% of HR respondents agree that employee wellbeing is on senior leaders’ agendas and 60% believe that line managers have bought into the importance of wellbeing.* Three years on from the start of the #pandemic , #coaching and #wellbeing is more critical than ever.
Coaching provides a personalised, confidential space that enables individuals and teams to explore themselves and what is going on around them. But why is it critical to their wellbeing? Offering a unique, safe, personalised space allows the coachee to talk about incidents or themes that they are unable to elsewhere. The coach is not their line manager, friend or family member. The coach supports the individual to be pushed out of their comfort zone, to be challenged at an agreed level. This allows the coachee to understand themselves and their role within their organisation. This understanding provides the opportunity to grasp a situation, they can feel like they have a handle on things and are able to #influence situations around them. By focussing on what they can #control , individuals and teams are empowered to manage some of the stronger emotions that could be surfacing during e.g. times of #change or pressures. The more individuals and teams that understand each other and build trust, the better they function together and in turn harvest diversity. This snowballs into improvement of general health and wellbeing through improved tolerance for each other during turbulent or stressful times.
Coaching can be liberating but also provide a model for translating thoughts and feelings into action. We have all been there, in a meeting, when we feel we can’t speak out and it naws at us. The irony is the organisation in most cases, needs to hear you say it. Coaching provides an avenue to think about it, frame it, and say it. In systemic psychotherapy, the idea of #feedback is relative to the function of the cardiovascular system of the organisation. Coaching creates, harnesses and enables feedback loops. More positive change is derived from negative feedback (over positive) and if a coaching structure is in place, individuals and teams can harness and develop their thoughts in a cohesive, constructive and positive way – enabling improved and sustained wellbeing.
If you would like to benefit from The Wellbeing Collective’s ILM 7 trained and experienced coaches, check out our website or contact us today via info@thewellbeingcollective.co.uk