Lockdown Wellbeing, the Five C’s: Contracting, Communicating, Carving, Commuting, Cutting…

Lockdown Wellbeing, the Five C’s: Contracting, Communicating, Carving, Commuting, Cutting…

One of the unexpected and heart-warming things to come out of our current situation, is the contact I seem to have had with such a range of people. People I haven’t seen in contact with for years, sometimes decades are back in my life, albeit virtually.

I also seem to be having a lifetimes worth of conversations with people who are more regularly in my life, and we all seem to have slipped easily into a routine of using technology to aid our communication.

In my work over the last few weeks, I have had many conversations with people who, like me, are spending hours and hours every day in virtual meetings. Although they are productive, helpful, and in no way comparable to the challenges faced by our colleagues on the front line, they are draining and sometimes overwhelming.

One of the joys of being part of The Wellbeing Collective is hearing the ways in which people enhance their lives. Here are five of the things that have really inspired me to maintain balance and work on my own wellbeing, as well as the wellbeing of others.

  1. Contracting – Basically means having a focussed conversation with those you live with, about how you are going to live well together during this time by sharing roles and responsibilities.
  2. Communicating how you feel – This seems obvious but it can be over looked when trying to keep a “stiff upper lip”.
  3. Carving out time – This is about time for you, time doing hobbies, things you like to do that may not be useful or worthy but give you pleasure and a dopamine hit.
  4. Commuting – Add in a walk around the block or even in your garden before starting work for the day, punctuate the start and end of your day with fresh air.
  5. Cutting off – It might be that you need a technology detox and choose to turn off gadgets for a few hours, every so often, to recharge your own batteries.


It would be great if you could share some of your tips for thriving in these unprecedented times.

Best wishes,

Amy, The Wellbeing Collective

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