The Wellbeing Collective has a continuing 6-year relationship with the Health & Care system across Somerset.
Examples of our work with Somerset includes:
Working in co-production with the clinical commissioning group to outline its values and behaviour appraisal framework. This was an iterative process that produced not only documentation, but a culture shift where people were part of designing their organisational culture.
Designing and delivering many clinical and professional leadership programmes. These have helped senior leaders and clinicians develop their own compassionate and authentic leadership styles.
Training more than 100 health coaches in motivational interviewing skills. This has helped them to support patients and the public to take ownership of their physical and mental health.
Leading a significant system-wide programme called Our Shared Endeavour. We worked with 60 organisational development, HR and training colleagues from different organisations over a period of 12 months delivering master classes and learning labs. The outcomes included developing new and advanced skills and knowledge; sharing best practice, and creating a county-wide network. This group also identified and delivered on 4 key system-wide workforce projects that saw the creation of a coaching and mentoring pool, a shared training passport, joint career pathways for retention and joint attraction initiatives.
Concurrently, several hundred of Somerset’s practitioners engaged in Somerset-wide cohorts on a 2-day event. We helped people grow a greater understanding of each other’s work, create a shared language and build networks.
We continue to work with Somerset’s primary care networks, providing bespoke organisational development opportunities for its Health & Care staff and have recently been engaged to work with the Integrated Care Board on creating the climate and conditions for successful, agile working.