Kent and Medway Community Healthcare NHS Trust (Case Study 4)

Kent and Medway Community Healthcare NHS Trust: Coaching, Coaching Skills Training and Action Learning Sets (Case Study 4) 

TWBC won a tender to coach 50 leaders and offer more than 1000 managers 18 months of action learning sets. Delivering coaching and action learning on this scale is unique within the NHS and we are very proud of this ambitious work.  

We moved our practice to virtual sessions when the Pandemic hit, and they were relied on as reflective spaces and as a practical networks.  We extended our daily coaching hours so that clinicians and leaders could access coaching when they really needed it.  

KCHFT commissioned TWBC to run coaching skills development for all managers and supervisors. This two-day highly practice orientated course has trained over 1000 participants. Before the programme commenced an organisational wide survey was undertaken relating to coaching approaches being used by managers and the relationships between line mangers and their direct reports.  

The survey was repeated halfway through the contract and at the end with astounding results. The growth in the coaching culture was huge and the relationships between colleagues and managers has improved significantly. This programme has now completed and will have a lasting legacy. 

TWBC have become a trusted delivery partner, we provide supervision to KCHFT coaches working with BAME colleagues and ongoing executive coaching and Board development sessions which have utilised Appreciative Inquiry. The sessions offered psychologically safe opportunities for directors to enhance their effectiveness. 

The impact of our interventions has assisted the organisation in improved staff survey results, reduced sickness absence, reduced employee relations issues, increased morale, accelerated goals and supported the Trust through the pandemic.

Working with this large and complex organisation when internal and external changes occur has been fascinating and humbling and just like the other organisations we support, being alongside KCHFT during the Pandemic and the ongoing aftermath has been a privilege.